Delpha Construction attaches great importance to integrity. Board of Directors and management strive to internalize “Corporate Integrity” as a corporate culture, and are expected to implement the concept of corporate integrity management, abide by laws and regulations, and ethical standards. The Corporate Governance Office, Legal Office and Financial and Accounting Department serves as the integrity management promotion team responsible for promoting the operation of corporate integrity management. In addition to complying with Delpha Construction Law,Securities Exchange Law, Commercial Accounting Law and other rules and regulations, and adhering to the corporate culture spirit of “cultivating space and caring for the earth”, Delpha Construction has formulated and implemented various ethical standards with the business philosophy of integrity, fairness, transparency, self-discipline and responsibility policies, establish good corporate governance and risk control mechanisms, and seek the sustainable development of Delpha Construction.

The corporate governance-related principles formulated by Delpha Construction in recent years are as follows:

Principle Year Formulated Goal
Corporate Governance Code of Conduct 2017 Establish a sound corporate governance system for Delpha Construction.
Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles 2021 The implementation of the corporate culture and policy of integrity
Operating Procedures and Conduct Guidelines for Integrity 2022 Engage in business activities with fairness, honesty, trustworthiness and transparency to actively prevent dishonest behavior.
Organizational Procedures of the Integrity Management Committee 2022 Set standards for the effective functioning of the Integrity Management Committee.
Measures for the Report on Illegal, Immoral and Dishonest Acts 2022 In order to implement ethical behavior and integrity, we encourage reporting any non-compliance with laws and regulations and violations of the Company's "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles" or other internal regulations.
Code of Practice on Sustainable Development 2022 Practice corporate social responsibility and promote economic, environmental and social progress and sustainable development.

Delpha Construction has established the "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles", "Organizational Procedures of the Integrity Management Committee" and the "Operating Procedures and Guidelines for Integrity", which require directors, managers and all employees to conduct themselves in an ethical manner and not to engage in fraudulent intent or deceptive behavior; strictly prohibit the use of company property, non-public information or the use of their positions to gain improper benefits for themselves or their relatives; ensure that employees do not engage in fraudulent behavior, misconduct, leaks or lies; require employees not to accept invitations from vendors for entertainment or financial gifts; and require employees to maintain confidentiality with respect to customer information in the process of operations.

  • Delpha Construction has established the “Operation Procedures for Prevention of Insider Trading ”and the “Operation Procedures for the Processing of Material Information”, it is forbidden for company insiders to use unpublished information on the market to buy and sell securities to protect the rights and interests of shareholders and the public.
  • Delpha Construction applies the Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx List Companies, and takes the initiative to formulate relevant internal operating standard operating procedures, adheres to the highest standard of integrity management, supervises employees not to have corruption or related matters that are not in line with the principle of integrity, and actively requires internal employees to report through complaint channels and employee complaint mailboxes. Conduct assessments for all levels of management on an annual basis and incorporate integrity into the senior executive assessment program.
  • Delpha Construction employees should strictly abide by relevant measures such as operating cycle control operations, and take the initiative to report ethical concerns such as conflicts of interest, and implement a non-compete mechanism to prevent conflicts of interest.
  • In order to ensure that the suppliers dealing with Delpha Construction abide by the integrity, it has been clearly stipulated in the "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles" that the content of the contracts signed by the agents, suppliers, customers or other transaction partners that have business dealings with the company should be Including the compliance with the integrity management policy and the terms of the contract that may be terminated or rescinded at any time if the counterparty of the transaction is involved in dishonest behavior.
    Conduct integrity investigations on stakeholders such as customers and suppliers to avoid dishonest behavior that may damage the company's rights and interests, and hope that all stakeholders can understand and respect Delpha Construction's integrity management and ethical behavior standards.
Information on the Operations of Integrity Management Training of the current year:
Date​ Speaker​ Topic​ Trainees​ Training Hours​ Number of Trainees​
2023/05/10 New Hope Law Firm​
Wen, Hong-Yi​
Corporate Ethics Seminar-Legal Responsibilities for Employee Misconduct-Commercial Breach of Trust and Liability for Bribery​ Managers and colleagues of the Company and its subsidiaries​ 1.5 hours 40 participant (including online participants)​

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